Presets Tab
The presets tab allows you to switch between layouts and adjust the settings for each box.
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The presets tab allows you to switch between layouts and adjust the settings for each box.
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MixEffect comes with a number of pre-built SuperSource layouts for you to use in your video productions. You don't need to create macros or mess with the box settings. And you can create your own layouts and share them with other people.
When you open up the SuperSource section, tap on the Add Default Presets button to install the default layouts.
Tap on a layout and watch your SuperSource come to life as it transitions from one layout to the other.
NOTE: If you do not see the default presets when you first install MixEffect, you can recall them by going to MixEffect Settings > Reset > Reset Presets. This will delete any existing presets you have created in MixEffect, so export your presets if you want to keep what you already made.
New Layout: Save the current SuperSource layout settings into a new layout. Press Command-N
to perform this function on a hardware keyboard.
Reset Layout: Resets the SuperSource layout settings to the original layout. Press Command-5
to perform this function on a hardware keyboard.
Swap Boxes: If you have only two boxes visible on-screen, tapping this button will swap the video sources in each box.
Highlight Box 1: Highlight box 1 in the current SuperSource layout. Press Command-1
to perform this function on a hardware keyboard.
Highlight Box 2: Highlight box 2 in the current SuperSource layout. Press Command-2
to perform this function on a hardware keyboard.
Highlight Box 3: Highlight box 3 in the current SuperSource layout. Press Command-3
to perform this function on a hardware keyboard.
Highlight Box 4: Highlight box 4 in the current SuperSource layout. Press Command-4
to perform this function on a hardware keyboard.
Options Menu: Tap to display a menu allowing you to change the transition speed, transition style, the source for each box, controls for swapping box sources, and the sizes of the highlighted and non-highlighted boxes. You can also perform an Auto or Cut transition to and from the SuperSource.
The transition style determines the look of the animation between preset layouts.
Adjust the mathematical style of the transition from the following options:
Linear: Each step in the transition travels the same distance.
Inverse Square
Inverse Cubed
Sine: Default option.
Ease In Out Elastic
Ease Out Bounce
Ease Out Elastic
Experiment with each style to find one that looks and feels the best for your production.
Adjust the speed of the animated transitions from one layout to another. Tap on the SuperSource options menu and choose Transition Speed. Select a speed from one of the following six options:
Instant: The layout switches instantly from the current layout to the selected layout.
Extra Fast: The transition between layouts takes a fraction of a second.
Fast: The transition takes about a second.
Normal: The transition takes about 1.5-2 seconds.
Slow: The transition takes its time.
Extra Slow: The transition really takes its time to go from the current layout to the selected layout.
When you highlight a box, you can grow the size of the box to emphasize it in relation to the other boxes. Choose a value from 1.0 to 1.5 times the original size of the box.
When you highlight a box, you can shrink the size of the other three boxes at the same time. Choose a value from 1.0 to 0.5 times the original size of the boxes.
If you have modified the SuperSource layout and want to update an existing preset, follow these steps:
Long-press on the preset in the SuperSource section main screen
Choose Save Layout in the menu that appears.
The currently selected preset can also be updated by pressing Command-S. Any box changes will be copied to the preset highlighted in orange. The preset thumbnail will spin and change from its previous layout configuration to the new layout.
NOTE: Versions of MixEffect prior to 1.2.0 required just a long-press on the preset in the SuperSource section to save. Version 1.2.0 introduced a menu of additional options when long-pressing on a preset.
Below the presets, preview scale, and highlight bar is the SuperSource visual editor. Here you see an accurate recreation of your SuperSource layout. If SuperSource is currently set to the Program selection, a red box will outline the visual editor. If SuperSource is the current Preview selection, the visual editor will be outlined in green.
Tap and drag the boxes around, or pinch and expand to resize the box. Use the visual editor to get your boxes in roughly the position you want them. Then use the box controls below to fine-tune your layout.
NOTE: To reposition the boxes, you must first unlock the visual editor by tapping on the red lock icon.
Unlocking the visual editor will reveal the Reposition in Box button to the left of the lock icon. Reposition in Box takes the guesswork out of figuring out the right values for the x, y, and top, bottom, left, and right crop values when you want to reposition an input source within a SuperSource box.
NOTE: Adjusting the size of the input source is not allowed when the Reposition in Box feature is enabled.
Tap the Reposition in Box button to enable the feature. The icon will turn red. Tap again to disable Reposition in Box.
When you tap and drag a SuperSource box, you will see a representation of the input source within its crop boundaries. The boundaries are hidden until you tap because there may be overlapping SuperSource boxes. Drag the video to its desired position. You can preview your changes directly in Program, Preview, or the Multiview outputs from your ATEM.
In the ATEM, box 1 will always be on top of box 2, followed by box 3, and box 4. When positioning boxes in the visual editor, you may get in a situation where boxes are stacked on top of each other and you want to reposition one that is underneath another box (i.e. box 2 underneath box 1). You can use the locked box menu to selectively lock or unlock boxes in the visual editor.
If you have an Apple Pencil, you can use the following gestures while in the SuperSource section:
Double-tap: Toggle the Visual Editor.
Squeeze: Display a menu to lock or unlock individual SuperSource boxes within the Visual Editor. This feature is only available when using the Apple Pencil Pro.
Unlocking the visual editor will reveal the Box Editing Bar (available in MixEffect 1.0.3 and later) that features the following buttons:
Toggle Grid Mode
Grid Size
Constrain Movement
Box Selector
Box Size
Aspect Ratio
TIP: Long press in the visual editor for 1.75 seconds to lock/unlock the visual editor. This is useful if the lock icon is covered by a SuperSource Box.imag
Turns on an off grid alignment mode. Dragging boxes will align the box to a grid size specified in the Grid Size menu.
A menu allowing you to specify the grid size used when aligning boxes. This menu is visible when you have enabled Grid Mode.
Tap this button to cycle through three movement constraints when tapping and dragging your boxes:
None: Boxes can be moved in any direction.
Horizontal: Boxes can only be moved left and right.
Vertical: Boxes can only be moved up and down.
Select which box the Box Size and Aspect Ratio commands will operate on. You can select an individual box to modify or choose to modify every box.
When To All Boxes is chosen, the icons for Box Size and Aspect Ratio will turn green to reflect that all boxes will be modified.
Change the size of a box or all the boxes. You can also enter a custom size between 0.07 and 1.0 by choosing Custom.
Choose the aspect ratio of a box from a list of commonly used aspect ratios, from 1:1 (Square) to 16:9 (HD), to 3:2 (35mm), and more.
If you have enabled Show Transition Speed Menu in MixEffect Settings > User Interface, a menu will appear in the upper-right corner of the Visual Editor. The icon will indicate the current speed.
Tap the speed indicator to change the SuperSource Transition Speed:
Extra Fast
Extra Slow
Tap on the Split Controls command in the toolbar (between the Search and the View All Presets buttons) to create two columns in the SuperSource section. This provides an easy way to edit your SuperSource boxes while still being able to see the Visual Editor.
Column A: Box Sources, Box Controls, and Automations
Column B: Presets and Visual Editor
Note: This feature only works on iPadOS or on iPhones in Landscape orientation running MixEffect 1.7.0.
You can quickly adjust the box sources using a crosspoint selector.
Tap Show Box Sources to reveal the crosspoint selector.
The box highlighted in red is the selected box. The input below in red is the current source for the box.
Tap on a source to change the selected box's source. Tap on a box to start changing its source.
Tap Show Box Controls to adjust the following settings for each box:
Enabled: Set to display the box.
Source: Change the source of the box.
Position X: The horizontal position of the box.
Position Y: The vertical position of the box.
Size: The size of the box from 0.07 to 1.0.
Cropped: Enable to crop the source.
Top: The top crop value.
Bottom: The bottom crop value.
Left: The left crop value.
Right: The right crop value.
With the slider controls, a clockwise-arrow button will appear when the slider value has changed from its default. Tap on the button to reset the setting back to its default value.
Tap the Plus or Minus buttons to adjust the position, size, or crop settings by the minimum value.
In MixEffect 1.7.0, jog dials have been added for fine adjusment of the SuperSource Box position and crop settings. You can long-press the jog dials for even finer adjustment of those settings.
Adjust the size of the SuperSource Visual Editor preview from 0.25 to 1.0.
You can display an image from the internet as the Art Foreground or Background in the SuperSource Visual Editor.
Enable Art Preview.
Enter the URL to an image on the internet. The URL must be accessible via HTTPS.
Depending on the value of the Art Place In setting, the image will be displayed in front of or behind your SuperSource boxes.
If you have an ATEM switcher featuring two SuperSources, such as an ATEM Constellation 8K, you can specify a different Art Preview image for each SuperSource.
NOTE: Images displayed in the foreground may not be 100% precisely positioned. Please use the Multiview or SuperSource Program output to align your boxes with the actual Art foreground.
When you are recording a macro, two buttons, Set Box Settings and Set All Settings, will appear at the bottom of the Box Control section. Set Box Settings will code into the macro all settings for the currently visible box. Tapping Set All Settings will code into the macro settings for all boxes in the current SuperSource.
Tap Reset Settings to reset the current box settings to the defaults.
If you have an ATEM Constellation 8K or an ATEM 4 M/E Constellation HD, you can combine the two SuperSources into one by enabling the Enable Cascade toggle at the bottom of the Presets section.
When enabled, an orange Cascade
indicator will appear atop the SuperSource Visual Editor window.
NOTE: Performing transitions from MixEffect only sets the layout for the currently selected SuperSource. If you want to animate both SuperSources when Cascade is enabled, you will have to use Shortcuts or OSC. Also note that the animations currently happen sequentially, rather than concurrently. So, the first SuperSource preset layout will change, followed by the second SuperSource preset layout.
If you have a keyboard attached to your device, you can also press Command-Option-C
to toggle cascade. This will display the word "Cascade" in orange at the top of the SuperSource Visual Editor.
If you have an ATEM Constellation 8K or ATEM 4 M/E Constellation HD, you can use a shortcut or Companion to change the layout of your cascade SuperSources at the same time. See the documentation in the Shortcuts section on the Set SuperSource Cascade Layout and the SuperSource Cascade Presets command in the OSC docs for more details.
In MixEffect 1.4.0, an Automations link appears at the bottom of the Presets section. You can use this to quickly create a shortcut or OSC action to set the current preset or set individual box settings.
NOTE: This option will only appear if you have Enable Automations active in MixEffect Settings and if you have Enable Shortcuts or Enable OSC turned on.
There are several automations available:
Create a shortcut or OSC action that sets the current SuperSource to the selected preset.
Create a shortcut of OSC actions that sets one of the following for the selected box:
Every setting
Position, size, and crop
Within the Automation page, you can also configure a custom animation duration and style for the shortcut or OSC action.
Use Custom Animation: Toggle this on if you want to animate between the current settings to the saved settings in the shortcut or OSC call.
Duration: Specify the amount of time to perform the animation in milliseconds from 0 to 10000 (i.e. 10 seconds).
Style: Choose an animation style that will be used to perform the transition. These styles are the same as in the SuperSource Transition Style.