
Tap the gear icon in the upper-left hand corner when in the MixEffect Home to access the Settings page.

MixEffect Pro

If you are using the free-to-download version of MixEffect and have not yet purchased the In-App Purchase (IAP) for MixEffect Pro, the following buttons will be shown here:

  • Start 30-Day Trial

  • Unlock MixEffect Pro

  • Restore Purchases

If you have already purchased the MixEffect Pro (IAP), a Tip Jar button will appear. Help support the continued development of MixEffect by leaving a tip.

NOTE: If you have purchased the MixEffect Pro IAP, you will need to return to Settings and choose Restore Purchases if you ever reset MixEffect's settings.

If you purchased the paid up-front version of MixEffect Pro, the Tip Jar option will appear at the top of the MixEffect Settings screen.


  • Auto-Reconnect

  • Enable ATEM Simulator

  • Enable View Only Mode

  • Enable Kiosk Mode


Tries to connect to the last connected switcher every five seconds if disconnected. It will make a maximum of three reconnect attempts before stopping.

Enable ATEM Simulator

Turns on a simulated ATEM 1 M/E Production Studio 4K switcher (with three additional dummy M/E buses) that you can use to play around with MixEffect. You will be able to change the program and preview bus, but other actions will have no visual effect in MixEffect. It's a simulated ATEM after all!

Enable View Only Mode

This sets up MixEffect in a viewing mode, suitable for handing off the device to someone.

Enabling it will reveal an orange banner at the top of the screen. After dismissing the Settings sheet, you will notice that you can drill down into more sections within MixEffect, but you cannot interact with the controls.

Tap the orange banner to authenticate with Face ID to disable View Only Mode.

Refer to the section in Security for more details on View Only Mode.

Enable Kiosk Mode

Kiosk mode makes several changes to the MixEffect interface:

  • Removes the Switcher Section, Switchers, and Streaming Services lists from the main navigation screen.

  • Connects to the last connected ATEM switcher.

  • Opens to the default Switcher Section defined in the Switcher Connection page.

  • Disables keyboard shortcuts

The goal of Kiosk Mode is to transform MixEffect into a single page application. Want to have a dedicated switching view? Customize your Switcher Page, set the Switcher section as the default section, and enable Kiosk Mode.

Using Guided Access to Prevent Disabling Kiosk Mode

You can use the Guided Access feature iOS and iPadOS to force MixEffect to be the only application the device can run. You can disable touch areas, so the user cannot press the gear icon to go to the Settings page. If you have set up a specific Switcher Page, you can disable the touch target for the Switcher Page menu in the upper-right corner of the interface.

Other Settings to Use With Kiosk Mode

You may want to enable the following settings when running MixEffect in Kiosk Mode:

  • Auto-Reconnect: Enable this setting to cause MixEffect to continue trying to connect to the ATEM switcher if it does not find it immediately. MixEffect will stop trying to connect after 3 failed attempts.

  • Automations: You can choose to disable automations so MixEffect cannot be operated via Shortcuts or OSC.

  • Live Stream or Record Streaming / Disable Long Press in Output Panel: Enable this to prevent the user from navigating to the Output section when long-pressing on buttons in the Live Stream, Record Stream, or Output Switcher Panels in the Switcher section.

  • Advanced / Unlimited Auto-Reconnect Attemps: By default, MixEffect will stop trying to connect to the switcher after several attempts. Enabling this setting will cause MixEffect to continue to try to connect to the ATEM switcher.

  • Advanced / Hide Update Banner: Enable this to prevent the update banner from appearing when using MixEffect.

  • Advanced / Use Custom Back Buttons: Enable this to change the way navigation works for sub-pages in Audio, Macros, Media, Transitions, Upstream Keyers, Downstream Keyers, SuperSource, Color Generators, and Settings.

User Interface

Tap User Interface to access the following preferences:

  • Switcher

    • Show Panel Titles

    • Use Full Height Sidebar

    • Show All Color Generators

    • Loop Stills and Clips in Media Player

    • Show Mix Effects Bus Picker as Menu

  • Audio

    • Sort Audio Sources

    • Edit Sort Order of Audio Sources

    • Order Audio Sources by State

    • Minimize Disabled Audio Sources

  • Gestures and Haptics

    • Haptic Feedback

    • Shake to Reload

  • Multiview Switcher

    • Perform Auto Transition on Tap

  • SuperSource

    • Differentiate Boxes with Colors

    • Sticky Current Preset

    • Show Transition Speed Menu


Show Panel Titles

A small header will appear above each panel in the switcher page when this option is enabled. Disable it to fit more items vertically.

Use Full Height Sidebar

This setting is only available on iPadOS. When enabled, the sidebar panel will take up the entire height of the screen. Normally, the top panel spans the entire width of the screen, and the sidebar module is aligned with the left/right and bottom panels.

Show All Color Generators

When enabled, long-pressing on a color source in the Switcher will display a sheet showing all available Color Generators. Disable this if you only want to see the selected Color Generator.

Loop Stills and Clips in Media Player

When enabled, cycling through clips and still images in the Media Player will wrap to the beginning or end instead of stopping at the beginning or end of the available clips and stills.

Show Mix Effects Bus Picker as Menu

When enabled, the Mix Effects Bus picker in the Switcher Section will be displayed in the navigation toolbar as a menu. This picker only appears if you connect at an ATEM switcher with more than one Mix Effect Bus, such as the 2 M/E Constellation HD, 2 M/E Production Studio 4K, 4 M/E Broadcast Studio 4K, or the Constellation 8K.


Sort Audio Sources

When enabled, audio sources that are currently off will be automatically minimized and placed at the bottom of the list of sources in the Audio section. Active audio sources will be placed at the top of the list. When disabled, sources will appear fully expanded and ordered according to their audio source ID.

Edit Sort Order of Audio Sources

If Sort Audio Sources is enabled, you can change the order of inputs shown in the Audio section by type. The following audio source type options are available to re-order:

  • Input

  • XLR


  • RCA

  • Microphone

  • Media Player

  • TRS

  • MADI

For instance, you may want your Microphone inputs to be listed at the top of the Audio section, with Inputs following.

Order Audio Sources by State

When enabled, mixed in audio sources will be placed at the top of the Audio section. Inputs which are currently off are placed at the bottom of the Audio section. Disable this if you want the inputs to not change position in the Audio section.

Minimize Disabled Audio Sources

Enable this to minimize all audio sources which are not mixed in. You can tap the On button to expand the panel.

Gestures and Haptics

Haptic Feedback

Enable this to produce Haptic feedback when pressing certain buttons or dragging the fader bar. This feature is only available on devices that feature a Taptic engine.

Shake to Reload

Enable this to allow you to shake your iOS device to reload the switcher connection. This feature is off by default.

Multiview Switcher

Perform Auto Transition on Tap

Enable this to reverse the action peformed when tapping or double-tapping on the Program and Preview boxes in the Multiview Switcher. By default, tapping performs a Cut transition, and double-tapping performs and Auto transition. Enabling this toggle will cause a tap to perform an Auto transition, and a double-tap to perform a Cut transition.


Differentiate Boxes with Colors

Enable this to highlight each SuperSource box with a different color:

  • Box 1: Blue

  • Box 2: Red

  • Box 3: Green

  • Box 4: Purple

Sticky Current Preset

When enabled, thr current preset will be docked to the left of the presets bar in the SuperSource Presets tab.

Show Transition Speed Menu

When enabled, a menu showing the current transition speed will be displayed in the upper-left hand corner of thr SuperSource Visual Editor. Tapping the menu will allow you to change the speed of your SuperSource layout transitions.


Access the following viewing options for the Macros section:

  • Sort Macros By: Index, Name, Color, or Icon.

  • Sort Direction: Ascending or Descending.

  • Display Macros As: Grid, Buttons, or List.

  • On Tap: Run Macro, Edit Macro, or Do Nothing.

You can also modify the first three options from the options menu in the Macros view.

These are global settings that are applied to all connected switchers.

If your switcher supports SuperSource, you can add pauses of 1 frame when recording macros and running a MixEffect SuperSource preset layout.


Control your ATEM switcher using Siri and Shortcuts. Automatically switch inputs when your audio levels reach above or dip below a certain threshold. Activate these features from the Automations section.

  • Enable Automations: Enable to allow MixEffect to be controlled via OSC, Shortcuts, and Video Follows Audio.

  • Enable Video Follows Audio: Allow audio levels to trigger transitions, SuperSource presets, and macros.

  • Enable Shortcuts: Allow MixEffect to be controlled by Siri and Shortcuts.

  • Enable OSC: Allow MixEffect to be controlled by OSC commands.

    • Allow OSC in View Only Mode: Allow OSC commands to operate when MixEffect is in View Only Mode. This feature is off by default.

    • IP Address: The IP address of MixEffect that you will enter into Companion or another app that uses OSC to communicate with MixEffect.

  • Enable HTTP Server: Get state of ATEM and MixEffect

    • Allow HTTP Server in View Only Mode: Allow HTTP requests to be sent when MixEffect is in View Only Mode. THis feature is off by default.

    • IP Address: The IP address of MixEffect that you will request to retrieve feedback via HTTP.

  • Use Custom Animation: Set the default animation duration and style when creating automations that adjust parameters on the ATEM over time.


This section is for ATEM switchers that support live streaming, such as the ATEM Mini Pro, Mini Pro ISO, and Mini Extreme models.

  • Live Stream

  • Record Stream

Live Stream

The following options are available in the Live Stream settings section:

  • Show Streaming Indicator: Enabling this will cause a small indicator to appear at the top of MixEffect whenever a stream is live.

  • Disable Long Press in Output Panel: Normally, you can long press the Stream button to open the Live Stream section of the Output panel. Disable this to prevent long pressing from working. You may want this enabled if you create a custom switcher page for an operator and don't want them to adjust any additional settings. This preference is shared with the same setting in the Record Stream settings page.

  • Import Streaming.xml: You can import an existing Streaming.xml into MixEffect. This will replace all your existing streaming services, servers, and profiles with those from the imported file.

  • Export Streaming.xml: This will export your current list of streaming services, servers, and profiles to a file.

  • Export Streaming.xml to Clipboard: This will export your streaming settings to the clipboard.

More information on importing and exporting your streaming settings can be found in the Streaming section of this documentation.

Record Stream

The following options are available on the Record Stream settings section:

  • Show Recording Indicator: Enabling this will cause an indicator to appear at the top of MixEffect whenever a disk recording is active.

  • Disable Long Press in Output Panel: Normally, you can long press the Stream button to open the Record Stream section of the Output panel. Disable this to prevent long pressing from working. You may want this enabled if you create a custom switcher page for an operator and don't want them to adjust any additional settings. This preference is shared with the same setting in the Live Stream settings page.

Advanced Settings

  • Unlimited Auto-Reconnect Attempts: Enable this to have MixEffect try to connect forever to the selected switcher. When this is disabled, MixEffect will stop trying to connect to a switcher after a few attempts.

  • Always Open to the Default Section: Enable this to have MixEffect always open to the default section specified for each Switcher Connection. Normally, MixEffect remembers the last section you were in if it were to disconnect and reconnect during a session.

  • Disable Sidebar: Enable this to disable the navigation sidebar on the left-hand side of the screen. You'll have to tap the back arrow to access switcher sections, your list of switchers, and your streaming services.

  • Hide Update Banner: Prevents the MixEffect has been updated or the New Version Available banner from appearing at the top of MixEffect's interface.

  • Use Custom Buttons: Enable this if you experience the bug where MixEffect would inadvertently navigate back to a Switcher Section page when moving between applications. Note that this prevents the swipe to navigate back gesture.

  • Enable Frame Rate Synced Animations: When enabled, MixEffect will adjust the number of frames used in SuperSource and other animations to match the frame rate of the switcher.

Enable Frame Rate Synced Animations is a beta feature and may cause your animations to look different from what you have previously seen in MixEffect. Please test before using it in your productions.


  • Color Scheme: Set the color scheme of MixEffect to System, Light or Dark.

  • Accent Color: Set the accent color for interface elements within the app.

  • Reset Accent Color: If you changed your accent color setting, an option to reset it back to the system standard blue will appear.

  • App Icon: Change the app icon for MixEffect.


  • Disable Auto-Lock: Enabling this setting prevents your iOS device from turning off its display and auto-locking when MixEffect is the frontmost application.

  • Lock with Face ID & Passcode: Enabling this setting will cause MixEffect to prompt you with Face ID or your device's passcode in order to open MixEffect.


  • Documentation: Opens your default browser to the documentation you are reading now.

  • Feedback: Send a support email to the makers of MixEffect.

  • Twitter: Opens Twitter to the @MixEffectApp account.

  • Website: Opens the default browser to the MixEffect or MixEffect Pro website.

  • Tip Jar: Leave a tip for the makers of MixEffect. This is displayed here when the MixEffect Pro (IAP) has not been purchased in the free-to-download version of MixEffect.

  • Rate MixEffect: Leave a five-star rating for MixEffect on the App Store.

  • About: Displays about information for MixEffect, including version and build number.

  • Licenses: Displays Open Source software used in MixEffect.

  • Version History: Opens an in-app browser window to version history for MixEffect.

  • Privacy Policy: Opens an in-app browser window to MixEffect's privacy policy.


  • Reset Warnings

  • Repair SuperSource

  • Reset Presets

  • Reset Settings

  • Erase Content and Settings

Reset Warnings

Resets any alerts and warnings that appear in MixEffect, such as the alert that appears when you try to upload an image from your Photos Library.

Repair SuperSource

Remove duplicate presets with the same unique identifier.

Reset Presets

Deletes all presets from MixEffect and replaces them with the default presets. This operation cannot be undone.

Reset Settings

Resets MixEffect's settings back to their factory default. Your saved switchers, streaming services, servers, and profiles will be unaffected.

No data will ever be deleted from your ATEM switcher when using this setting.

Erase Content and Settings

This will erase all content and settings from MixEffect, including saved switchers, streaming services, servers, and profiles, on all of your iOS devices using the same iCloud account.

No data will ever be deleted from your ATEM switcher when using this setting.

Restoring Purchases After Reset

If you have purchased MixEffect Pro, you will need to return to Settings and choose Restore Purchases to restore your Pro license following a reset.

Last updated