Keyboard Shortcuts
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MixEffect has extensive keyboard support for controlling your ATEM switchers.
Press and hold the command key to see a list of shortcuts available in each section of MixEffect:
These keyboard shortcuts work throughout MixEffect:
Control-1 through Control-0: Change switcher section. The order of your switcher sections determines the keyboard shortcut. For instance, if Switcher and Audio were the first two sections, Command-1 would open to the Switcher page and Command-2 would open the Audio page.
Command-Comma: Opens the Settings page.
Control-Option-Delete: Toggles View Only Mode.
Command-R: Reconnect to the switcher.
Command-Option-Control-Shift-R: Start or Stop Recording
Command-Option-Control-Shift-S: Start of Stop Streaming
Command-Shift-A: Open the Audio section.
Command-Shift-D: Open the Downstream Keyers section.
Command-Shift-E: Open the Switcher section.
Command-Shift-H: Open the HyperDecks section
Command-Shift-K: Open the Remote Webview..
Command-Shift-M: Open the Macros section.
Command-Shift-N: Open the Media section.
Command-Shift-O: Open the Output section.
Command-Shift-S: Open the SuperSource section.
Command-Shift-Option-S: Open the View All Presets (SuperSource) section.
Command-Shift-T: Open the Transitions section.
Command-Shift-U: Open the Upstream Keyers section.
Command-Shift-,: Open the Switcher Settings section.
Command-Shift-/: Open the Auxiliary section.
The following keyboard shortcuts work when the Switcher page is visible:
Command-[: Move to the previous Switcher Page. If at the beginning, go to the last page.
Command-]: Move to the next Switcher Page. If at the end, go to the first page.
Command-Return: Perform an Auto Transition.
Command-Shift-Return: Perform a Cut transition.
Command-Number: Change Preview input source 1-10.
Command-Option-Number: Change Preview input to sources 11-20.
Command-Option-Control-Number: Change Program input source to 1-10.
Shift-Command-Option-Control-Number: Change Program to input sources 11-20.
Command-Option-Control-F: Fade to black.
Command-Shift-P: Toggle Preview Transition.
Command-T: Cycle through transition styles.
Command-Option-T: Cycle backwards through transition styles.
Command-Plus: Select the next still for Media Player 1.
Command-Option-Plus Select the next still for Media Player 2.
Command-Option-Control-Plus Select the next still for Media Player 3.
Shift-Command-Option-Control-Plus Select the next still for Media Player 4.
Command-Minus: Select the previous still for Media Player 1.
Command-Option-Minus: Select the previous still for Media Player 2.
Command-Option-Control-Minus: Select the previous still for Media Player 3.
Shift-Command-Option-Control-Minus: Select the previous still for Media Player 4.
Command-U: Toggle Background.
Command-I: Toggle USK 1 Enabled.
Command-Option-I: Toggle USK 2 Enabled.
Command-Option-Control-I: Toggle USK 3 Enabled.
Shift-Command-Option-Control-I: Toggle USK 4 Enabled.
Command-O: Toggle USK1 On Air.
Command-Option-O: Toggle USK 2 On Air.
Command-Option-Control-O: Toggle USK On Air.
Shift-Command-Option-Control-O: Toggle USK 4 On Air.
Command-J: Tie Toggle DSK 1.
Command-Option-J: Tie Toggle DSK 2.
Command-Option-Control-J:Tie Toggle DSK 3.
Shift-Command-Option-Control-J: Tie Toggle DSK 4.
Command-K: Toggle DSK 1 On Air.
Command-Option-K: Toggle DSK 2 On Air.
Command-Option-Control-K: Toggle DSK 3 On Air.
Shift-Command-Option-Control-K Toggle DSK 4 On Air.
Command-L: Auto DSK 1.
Command-Option-L: Auto DSK2.
Command-Option-Control-L: Auto DSK 3.
Shift-Command-Option-Control-L: Auto DSK 4.
The following shortcuts work when on the Audio page or if the Audio panel is present on the current Switcher Page.
Command-Shift-V: Toggle Video Follows Audio.
Command-1: Go to DSK 1.
Command-2: Go to DSK 2.
Command-3: Go to DSK 3.
Command-4: Go to DSK 4.
Command-J: Tie Toggle for the selected DSK.
Command-K: Toggle On Air for the selected DSK.
Command-L: Auto for the selected DSK.
Command-Return: Perform an Auto Transition.
Command-Shift-Return: Perform a Cut transition.
Command-[: Switch to Grid view
Command-]: Switch to Buttons view
Command-\: Switch to List view
Command-Number: Run Macro 1 through 10.
Command-Option-Number: Run Macro 11 through 20.
Command-Option-Control: Run Macro 21 through 30.
Shift-Command-Option-Control: Run Macro 31 through 40.
Command-N: Upload a still image to the Media Pool.
Command-Minus: Select previous still in Media Player 1.
Command-Option-Minus: Select previous still in Media Player 2.
Command-Option-Control-Minus: Select previous still in Media Player 3.
Shift-Command-Option-Control-Minus: Select previous still in Media Player 4.
Command-Plus: Select next still in Media Player 1.
Command-Option-Plus: Select next still in Media Player 2.
Command-Option-Control-Plus: Select next still in Media Player 3.
Shift-Command-Option-Control-Plus: Select next still in Media Player 4.
Command-1: Go to Streaming tab.
Command-2: Go to Recording tab.
Command-3: Go to Capture Still tab.
Command-4: Go to Timecode tab.
Command-Return: Auto transition.
Command-Shift-Return: Cut transition.
Command-Option-Return: Auto transition to the SuperSource.
Command-Option-Shift-Return: Cut transition to the SuperSource.
Command-Shift-L: Toggle Visual Editor Lock.
Command-Minus: Increase Transition Speed.
Command-Plus: Slow Transition Speed.
Command-F: Display the Find dialog box.
Command-Option-F: Clear the current search query.
Command-O: Go to the View All Presets page.
Command-T: Cycle through transition speeds. Only available when Show Transition Speed Menu is enabled in Settings.
Command-[: Go to the Presets tab.
Command-]: Go to the Art tab.
Command-\: Go to the Copy tab.
Command-Option-[: Go to the previous preset. A SuperSource preset must be selected for this shortcut to work.
Command-Option-]: Go to the next preset. A SuperSource preset must be selected for this shortcut to work.
Command-;: Toggle Box Sources.
Command-': Toggle Box Controls.
Command-6: Select SuperSource 1 (ATEM Constellation only).
Command-7: Select SuperSource 2 (ATEM Constellation only).
Command-Option-C: Toggle Cascade (ATEM Constellation only).
Command-Option-Number-1: Set the SuperSource to the first preset listed.
Command-Option-Number-2: Set the SuperSource to the second preset listed.
Command-Option-Number-3: Set the SuperSource to the third preset listed.
Command-Option-Number-4: Set the SuperSource to the fourth preset listed.
Command-Option-Number-5: Set the SuperSource to the fifth preset listed.
Command-Option-Number-6: Set the SuperSource to the sixth preset listed.
Command-Option-Number-7: Set the SuperSource to the seventh preset listed.
Command-Option-Number-8: Set the SuperSource to the eighth preset listed.
Command-Option-Number-9: Set the SuperSource to the ninth preset listed.
Command-Option-Number-0: Set the SuperSource to the tenth preset listed.
If you have tapped on a SuperSource preset layout, the following keyboard shortcuts will become available:
Command-1: Highlight Box 1.
Command-2: Highlight Box 2.
Command-3: Highlight Box 3.
Command-4: Highlight Box 4.
Command-5: Reset Layout.
Command-0: Swap Box sources. This only works when there are two boxes visible on screen..
Command-Shift-R: Refresh the view. Use this if the boxes are not contained within the preview window.
Command-N: New Layout.
Command-S: Save Layout.
Command-I: Import Presets.
Command-E: Export Presets to a file.
Command-G: Switch to Grid view.
Command-L: Switch to List view.
Command-K: Switch to Detail view.
Command-Shift-R: Refresh display. Used when scrolling suddenly stops.
Command-D: Toggle edit mode when in List view.
Command-Shift-P: Toggle Preview Transition.
Command-[: Select previous transition style.
Command-]: Select next transition style.
Command-Return: Perform an Auto Transition.
Command-Shift-Return: Perform a Cut transition.
Command-1: Go to USK 1.
Command-2: Go to USK 2.
Command-3: Go to USK 3.
Command-4: Go to USK 4.
Command-U: Toggle Background.
Command-I: Toggle Key for the selected keyer.
Command-O: Toggle On Air for the selected keyer.
Command-[: Select previous keyer type.
Command-]: Select next keyer type.
Command-Return: Perform an Auto Transition.
Command-Shift-Return: Perform a Cut transition.
Command-1: Switch to the Crosspoint tab.
Command-2: Switch to the All tab.
Command-K: Open the Remote Webview sheet.